Responsible Jewelry Council
Responsible Jewelry Council Dana Augustine, Inc., is a certified member of the Responsible Jewelry Council (RJC). The RJC is a worldwide, not-for-profit, standards setting, and certification organization. Member companies span the jewelry supply chain from mining to retail. As a certified member, Dana Augustine is independently audited against the RJC Code of Practices, which are international standards on responsible business practices, covering all aspects of operations and sourcing practices for diamonds, gold, and platinum group metals. The RJC Code of Practices addresses human rights, labor rights, environmental impact, sourcing practices, product disclosure, and many other important topics in the jewelry industry.
Jewelers Vigilance Committee
JVC’s purpose is to serve as “The Jewelry Industry’s Guardian of Ethics and Integrity.” As part of its JVC membership, Dana Augustine, Inc., pledges that the “Company and all of its employees are committed to full compliance with all the laws and regulations which pertain to the manufacture, sale, and advertising of jewelry products.”

Manufacturing Jewelers
& Suppliers of America Inc.
As stated on the MJSA website: “Since its incorporation in 1903, MJSA has been providing the resources needed for jewelry makers, designers, and related suppliers to achieve professional excellence. Its 1,400 member companies, which employ over 60,000 skilled workers, are a diverse group—from artisans and manufacturers to retailers engaged in custom design and repair; from single-person trade shops to global tool and equipment suppliers. All, however, share a common goal: To run thriving businesses and to advance the craft and practice of U.S.-based jewelry making and design. By joining and supporting MJSA, they ensure they can do just that.”
Natural Color
Diamond Association
The Natural Color Diamond Association (NCDIA) is the world’s leading authority on natural color diamonds. NCDIA is an international trade organization dedicated to increasing awareness of color as a unique and valuable attribute in diamonds. The mission of the NCDIA is to increase awareness of natural color diamonds by educating and informing both the jewelry industry and consumers about the many wonders and benefits of these exotic and beautiful miracles of nature.”

The Jewelers Board of Trade
The Jewelers Board of Trade is dedicated to the welfare of its members and the jewelry industry overall, providing industry specific credit information, collections and marketing services.” DAI has been a member of the Jewelers Board of Trade since 1984.
Jewelers’ Security Alliance
Jewelers’ Security Alliance (JSA) is a non-profit trade association with 21,000 members that has been providing crime information and assistance to the jewelry industry and law enforcement since 1883.”